iGreen Updates

Auto Updates of iGreen software

iGreen software has an automatic updater module with a very easy updating process. every time you run this icon of iGreen software, it will check and message you if any new version is available to update the software.

How to update software of iGreen accounting

To get the latest update on the software of iGreen accounting, you should run the “iGreen Updater” icon. so that, first of all, if your PC is connected to the internet, this software will check the latest version of iGreen accounting software on its official server. and then compares it with the installed software of iGreen on your PC. If the installed version of iGreen software is older than the available update in the server, it will be downloaded and installed with one click only and after the update is done, then it will run iGreen accounting software.

Updater software for iGreen accounting
Updater software for iGreen accounting

When you see form of iGreen updater, If it shows you an available version of iGreen accounting, please click on [Start Update iGreen accounting] to get the latest version of iGreen software,.

Note: after finished update, it will run iGreen accounting automated and no need to restart your windows or PC.

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