For any travel agency, it is very important to have a list of all passengers in good format.
In travel agency section of iGreen software, you can manage list of all passengers with the most wanted reports .
For every passenger, you can add Passports as you want but each passport is unique for one passenger only .
Information of passengers
- Name
- Family name
- Date of birth
- Father name
- Nationality
- Address
- Country of resident
- City of resident
- Passport information
When you add a passenger, iGreen will generate a new ID for him/her . So in visa entry, tickets voucher you can load passenger information by calling ID
In time of add information of new passport, it is easy to add scanned image of it . This image will be shown any time in iGreen to help you control real information of passengers and compare it if need .
Unique name of passengers
iGreen software will check repeated name of passengers and you warning you about it . A repeated passenger has same name , last name, father name , D.O.B in same country.
It is very very weak to find two human in one country with same name, l name , father name , D.O.B
So you use it to protect you from repeated passengers names .
Note : D.O.B means date of birth